This depends on the type of disability you have and whether or not you receive a state disability grant. You might not qualify, or exclusions might be applied to your policy.
Yes there is an age limit for this cover. You can qualify for dread disease cover at any time from 18 to 59 and you will be covered for the rest of your life so long as your premiums and policy are up to date.
No, dread disease cover can only be applied for by the life assured.
Depending on the type of product that you purchase, you may have to either complete an HIV test, or disclose your HIV status in order to determine your risk.
There is no cost to you to complete this test.
DebiCheck is a way you control how certain debit orders are taken out of your bank account. You confirm this once, at the start of the contract. This is done to inform your bank that you give permission for the money to be taken from your account. Find out more here.