Your life insurance policy will help provide for your loved ones when you’re no longer there to take care of them. Your policy pays out a lump sum in the event of your death, giving your family the funds they need to pay off debt, as well as cover living expenses, medical bills and school fees.
Protect your family against the loss of your income when you pass with up to R300 000 life cover with no medicals or HIV testing and no premium increases for the first 12 months. Includes a Pay now death benefit of R25 000 to use for the funeral and a terminal illness benefit. You’re covered immediately for accidental death.
Save 28% when you combine life and funeral cover. You can get up to R10 million life insurance plus funeral cover of between R5 000 and R50 000 for up to 16 family members. Includes memorial and grocery benefits.
More info on our life insurance offerings
Cover yourself and up to 16 family members on one policy with pay-outs of up to R50 000 per member. Benefits to the value of R16 000 including memorial and grocery benefits plus a repatriation service. Qualifying claims can be approved in under 5 minutes!
More info on our funeral insurance offerings
A serious illness such as cancer or a heart attack can be financially devastating for you and your family. A 1Life Dread Disease Cover policy will pay out a lump sum that can be used to cover medical expenses not paid by your medical aid and to pay the bills while you are in recovery.
Disability insurance is the financial protection your family needs if you are permanently disabled due to illness or accident, and not able to earn a living. Your lump sum pay-out of up to R10 million can be used to replace your income, remodel your home or even customise your car.
1Life All Woman™ female dread disease cover pays out a lump sum if you are diagnosed with a female-specific cancer, like breast or cervical cancer. Your pay-out can help pay living expenses or medical bills while you recuperate. Up to four children can also be insured against certain cancers.
Your Expense Protector policy will pay out if you are temporarily disabled by illness or injury and not able to earn a living. Your pay-out can be used to take care of your monthly living and medical expenses until you are able to return to work.
1Life Wills and Estate Plan pays out up to R10 million rand to cover estate shortfalls. It includes a 6-month income benefit to help your family pay living expenses while the estate is wrapped up as well as a R50 000 liquidity benefit that pays out within 48 hours to cover immediate expenses. It also provides a valid online will specific to your needs.
1Life Guaranteed Future Value Investment is a low-risk investment product that guarantees investment returns over the five-year investment period. The original investment amount plus your returns are paid tax free.