Why you need a financial adviser for life cover update
Financial adviser insights: Learn why a financial needs analysis is crucial for life cover and how updating your insurance ensures comprehensive protection
Get up to R10 million life insurance from South Africa’s #1 Direct Life Insurer
With 1Life disability insurance, you get a R10 million tax-free lump sum if illness or an accident leaves you permanently disabled, and unable to earn a living. For financial peace of mind, you are covered with just 1 simple call and no paperwork.
Your policy pays out a lump sum of up to R10 million, depending on the cover you choose.
With disability insurance, you're covered immediately for accidental disablement.
No increases, guaranteed, for the first 12 months.
Get disability cover with just 1 simple call and no paperwork.
No medical checkups required, just a simple HIV saliva swab.
Increase cover without medical underwriting on every third policy anniversary or major life event.
1Life disability cover pays out in the event of the disablement of the policyholder, or life assured. The amount paid out will depend on the type of disability cover, and the amount bought.
Disability insurance, also known as disability cover or disablement cover, pays out between R50 000 and R10 million if an accident or illness results in permanent disability.
You pay a premium every month for disability cover. If you are permanently disabled by an illness or accident and unable to earn a living, your disability insurance policy will pay out up to R10 million, tax free. The pay-out from your policy can replace all or some of your income, and take care of additional expenses like customising or remodeling your home or car to cater for your disability.
You have to be between the ages of 18 and 59 to purchase 1Life Disability Insurance. Your cover level will decrease from your 60th birthday until five years before you turn 65 or your selected retirement age, whichever is earlier. Note that there are some exclusions, or conditions under which claims might be rejected, for instance if you take part in dangerous sports or activities. These are listed in the policy schedule, so be sure to take note of them.
The monthly disability insurance premium is based on your specific risk profile. This means that we take into account factors like your age, gender, occupation, lifestyle and health when calculating your monthly premium. Use our insurance calculator to work out how much disability cover you need, and get a quote online in minutes.
1Life Disability Insurance pays out in the event of disablement. You can choose between two types of personal disability insurance. Occupation-based Disablement, also called Lump Sum Disablement, which pays out the full amount if you are permanently disabled and cannot work. Event-based Disablement pays out a percentage of your cover amount for disability, according to the tables in your policy book, even if you are still able to work.
At 1Life Insurance, we know that insurance changes lives. It pays the school fees when mom is ill and can’t work and pays off the house when dad passes away. We believe that all South Africans deserve peace of mind and financial protection against illness, disability and death. Call us to find out which of 1Life’s affordable, simple and convenient products is right for you.
At 1Life we know that your future is written in how you manage your money. But we also know that South Africans don’t always have the money management skills they need to build the future of their dreams. The Truth About Money makes financial education and services available to all South Africans at no charge.
Financial adviser insights: Learn why a financial needs analysis is crucial for life cover and how updating your insurance ensures comprehensive protection
Get clarity on life insurance with 1Life. Discover guaranteed benefits, application process, and more. Secure your future today!